Thursday, January 18, 2007


真正要解决的是游客的休息和饮食问题。毕竟故宫太大了。真要细细玩起来差不多要一天吧。大家只能在不多的几个长椅上歇歇脚,或者席地而坐。 卢浮宫在展厅里有长椅,你可以随时歇歇,坐着看展品。在进真正的展览区前有休息的咖啡座,在顶楼的非展览区也有餐厅,走累了或者饿了,可以选择去那儿坐坐,吃点东西。我在卢浮宫一待就是一天,没有它们我非得饿死不可。

Friday, January 12, 2007

H&M is coming to Shanghai

H&M is going to open a shop at Shanghai middle Huaihai Road! I am shocking to know the news.

H&M to me is a place to get cheap clothes, which are fashionable but not of high quality. You can wear an H&M cloth when you are a student or an entrant-level career woman. But the brand is not for someone who has a serious job and get decent paid. It is a place I usually went to when I was a poor student in Amsterdam, dragging a dress from pales of clothes hanging on the shelf or from the basket. I usually waiting in long lines to try the clothes on and decide which ones to buy. And the price, oh, it is so cheap! Normally a shirt is of 20 Euros, a coat is about 30-50 Euros. In the discount season, you can get coat for only 7 Euros! I got several jeans at the price of 7 Euros, skirts of 10-15 Euros.

The country of origin labels on the clothes indicate most of them are manufactured in Asian areas, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Philippines, and of course China. That's why H&M can sale clothes at such low prices. And I found the clothes manufactured in China are of better quality than those manufactured in other Asian areas, and clothes with a label saying Spanish are of better quality than those with Chinese labels. If you don't believe me you can check at

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


路易斯开创的杂志不仅仅是为电脑爱好者而办的,而是影响了一个时代人的生活。从美国到英国,从德国到中国。那个时代活跃着一大批像路易斯一样的有梦想的创业者,和一大批希望通过成立互联网公司,开发网络程序走上IPO之路的公司比如Yahoo, Netscape, 搜狐,等等。还有一些投资者,金融家,商人和媒体出版人,希望能够通过网络新经济而一举成为富翁或更富的富翁。
当我开始接触《连线》的时候,路易斯已经快要离开《连线》了,那是1998年的年底。我刚刚走出校门。那时,我认识了一个美国小公司,和一群美国人。公司虽小但是管理层各有来头。公司董事长及Co-founder之一是一个精明的投资人,曾经创立了VNU;另一个年轻的founder是一个出版商,在美国最知名的几家广告公司和媒介机构工作过,他的太太来自美国一个声望显赫的家族;总裁在美国第二大市场研究机构任总裁达10年之久; 程序开发人员便犹如《热连线》的开发人员,努力有激情和梦想。这些人虽然走到一起的目的不同,但有一个目的是共同的:通过这家网络公司成为富翁。
总裁给我带来一本《连线》, 年轻的Co-founder和我大谈《连线》和《热连线》,程序开发人员也大谈《连线》,他提到网络《热连线》的几率大于提到杂志。公司业务类似于Jupiter Communication, 提供网络营销市场分析和网络广告的市场分析。激情是可以感染的。于是我也扑到了《连线》当中。 说实话,迄今为止我依然保留着阅读连线网络版的习惯。

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

15 seconds of fame: the story of Yingying Wu and Pseudo HumanEvents

Towards the end of 2005, a young undergraduate woman was known to the Chinese as an intellectual star. Her name is Yingying Wu, an undergraduate student of Beijing Normal University. In a press conference given by the University, she was described as a beautiful young women, who has more than 100 inventions and 3 patens, who was hired as VP of Topcpder, who with lots of titles. Just 2 days after the conference, a daily newspaper of Beijing carried an article question about Miss Wu's resume, especially her inventions and the claimed chair member at ACM. Many people followed the question. Then, pretty soon, Beijing Normal University said that the resume of Miss Wu has some information that they are not so sure. Meanwhile, on the Internet, more people found out that the young lady didn't tell truth about her resume.
The main doubts are:
A. What are the 100 inventions about? Miss Wu just merely says "they are dependent on our daily lives". She never shows any evidence about the inventions. 100 inventions, even Tomas Edison didn't reach such a number at the age of 21.
B. Only 2 patents were found under the name of Yingying Wu. And even more, the 2 are close to each other.
C. According to ACM website, she was not a chair member, she was only an assistant to programming contest committee.
In Miss Wu's words:
"November 15, 2005, I was elected ACM Asia assistant chair, became the first Chinese to enter the ACM board of chairs, then invited to attend the 30th International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals and the highest summit RCDS. "(From Ying-Ying Wu's words in the conference)
Investigation report:
The report was not found Ying-Ying Wu's name on the official website of the ACM. In ACM (ICPC) Executive Director William Boucher wrote a letter in English to prove Ying-Ying Wu, Ying-Ying Wu specify the duties of "Asia - China Reporter and Asia Director Assistant" (April 12, 2006). Yesterday afternoon, the deputy party secretary of Beijing Normal University psychology college Qiaozhihong said Ying Wu is not a member of the ACM board of chairs, but ACM programming contest organizing committee's assistant. It might be a translation mistake.
D. She claimed that she was a student of Stanford leading to a Ph.D, which appears that she was only a short term student of a summer school.
E. The famous Topcoder is a small American company with 75 employees around the world. And Miss Wu is the only employee in it Asian office.

Then the bubble of Miss Yingying Wu went out within a week! Even China Central Television Station mentioned Miss Wu in one of its news program in a negative tone. This is not the end of the event. Topcoder said undergraduate VP attracts eyeballs. Miss Wu said making her a role model is "a political task". She still claims that she has 100 inventions and considering continue visiting study in Stanford and working for a Ph.D.

The young woman testified that with the media power, everyone has 15 seconds of fame. Her event is what Boorstin calles: pseudo event.

According to Boorstin, a pseudo event is ...
A. not spontaneous. It comes about because someone has planted it or incited it. In her case, was planned by Beijing Normal University.
B. planted primarily, but not always exclusively, for the purpose of being reported or reproduced, and its occurrence is arranged for the convenience of the reporting or reproducing media.
C. ambiguous in terms of its relation to the underlying reality of the situation. Whether it is "real" or not is less important than its newsworthiness and ability to gain favorable attention.
usually intended to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

However, in this media staged event, Yingying Wu, the Beijing Normal Univerisity and Todpcoder under estimated the power of the Internet media. With traditional media, the planned party can easily control media messages surrounded the stage event. However, with the new media, everyone can express their suspicious and search for the truth. Each individual can contact related people for information. For example, someone wrote e-mail to ACM chairperson to clarify Miss Wu's actual role at the organization.

Miss Wu also wanted to use the new media to communicate with other. I don't know how many blogs she had. I found an English version, two at blogcn, one at sohu. But after her bubble went out only the English one has several articles left. All the others are closed, deleted all the articles. (Possibly she is afraid that those articles become evidence proving that she was lying).
Chinese media are familiar with building role models, from communist member Lei Feng, to athletes such as Xu Haifeng, from party leaders to ordinary workers or farmers. In the history of CCP, building role models is really a political task. Those role models are political symbols, encourage ordinary people to work their way, to identify with them. They moved people generation after generation.

However, time is changing. One day, the Chinese found they can hardly be moved by role models created by the government and only a few want to work their way and to identify with them. The Chinese people created their own heroes and role models, mainly through mass media or the internet. The new role models are stars, no matter entertainment stars or sports stars or stars in entrepreneurship. Yao Ming, the Chinese born NBA player is the first people-made role model in China. Young people like his and want to be like him. So far, he hasn't been made a government-subsided role model.

Miss Yingying Wu and the Beijing Normal University should learn more about the mass culture, corporate culture and media culture of modern China, or maybe the whole world. In the scandal, Topcoder won't lose too much. The small company gained eyeballs and free publicity. People remember its name in both countries. The press conference was not called by them, later they can appear as a victim of the scandal.

Beijing Normal University lost its reputation over 100 years! Its graduates encountered credibility crisis. There is one Wu Yingying from the University, there could be more.
For the young woman herself, she has been question by many. She looks good right now. But if she wants to change jobs one day, will other companies trust her? Will companies and universities put a big question mark on her name?

The staged event took place in a wrong time to a wrong group of audience. This age is an age having no interests in fairytales. The audiences they choose are too much intelligent to fool. They are well equipped with the internet, blogs, search engines, etc. The same audience can tolerant a not so beautiful "Sister Fu Rong" to picture herself in various unimaginable ways, mostly in "S" shape. They feel entertained and release their own tensions. But another not so beautiful girl get to a position they can't through a series of lies, they feel being fooled and furious. So they express their suspicious in various ways.
Timing and skills are really important for staged events.